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ICAI Recommended books for IPCC

Below given list is of ICAI recommended books for IPCC which is officially mentioned by ICAI as its good to have for easy completion of IPCC syllabus.
Paper 1: Accounting
Text Books
1. First Lessons in Accounting Standards (IPCC / PCC / ATC) – M.P. Vijay Kumar; Snow White; 7th Edition, 2012
2. Accounting for CA- IPCC– Amitabha Mukherjee & Mohammed Hanif, Tata McGraw Hill, 1st Edition, 2009
3. Advanced Accounting (Vol-I and II) – Dr.Ashok Sehgal & Dr.Deepak Sehgal, Taxmann; 6th Edition, 2008
4. Tulsian’s Accountancy for CA – IPCC and Quick Revision Book Gr.I– Dr. P.C. Tulsian – S. Chand; 2nd Edition 2012
5. Advanced Accounts – M.C. Shukla, T.S. Grewal & S.C. Gupta – S. Chand & Company Ltd.; Revised Edition, 2011
Reference Books
1. Students’ Guide to Accounting Standards (CA IPCC / PCC / ATC) – D.S. Rawat, Taxmann, 18th Edition, 2012
2. Simplified Approach to Accounting Standards (for CA IPCC)– CA. (Dr.) Sanjeev Singhal and Sandhya Singhal – Wolters Kluwer (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16th Edition 2012.
Paper 2: Law, Ethics and Communication
Reference Books
1. Bare Act of the Companies Act, 1956
2. Bare Act of the Negotiable Instruments Act,1881
3. Bare Acts of Labour Laws as covered in the syllabus
(i) The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
(ii) The Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
(iii) The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
4. Business Ethics And Communication, V.K. Jain, S. Chand ; Edition 2011-2012
Note: This list has been compiled by the faculty of Board of Studies and is recommendatory in nature. The books mentioned in the list are supplementary to the Study Material and may serve as a practice aid also.
Paper 3: Cost Accounting and Financial Management
Cost Accounting
Text Books
1. Cost Accounting Methods & Problems – B.K Bhar, Academic Publishers; 18th Edition 2010
2. Cost Accounting Principles & Practices– S. P Iyengar, Sultan Chand & Sons Educational Publishers ; 10th Edition , 2005
3. Cost Accounting – V.K Saxena & C. D Vashisht ,Sultan Chand & Sons; 11th Edition, 2008
4. Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis– Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar and George M Foster, Prentice Hall of India; 14th Edition , 2011
Reference Books
1. Cost accounting & Financial Management– Ravi M Kishore, Taxman Allied Services Ltd.; 6th Edition, 2009
2. Principles of Cost Accounting – Edward J. Vanderbeck, Thomsan South Western 15th Edition; 2010
3. Cost and Management Accounting – Basu & Das, Rabindra Library, Kolkata; 13th Edition, 2009
Financial Management
Text Books
1. Financial Management – I.M. Pandey, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.; 10th Edition.
2. Financial Management – Text, Problems and Cases – M.Y. Khan and P.K. Jain, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.; 5th Edition.
3. Fundamentals of Financial Management – Prasanna Chandra, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.; 4th Edition.
4. Fundamentals of Financial Management – J. Van Horne and John M. Wachowicz, Prentice Hall; 13th Edition.
5. Principles of Financial Management – R.P. Rustagi, Taxmann; 5th Revised Edition.
Reference Books
1. Financial Management – Theory and Practice – Prasanna Chandra, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited; 6th Edition.
2. Financial Management – Jonathan Berk and Peter Demarzo, Pearson; 3rd Impression.
3. Fundamentals of Financial Management – Eugene F. Brigham and Joel F. Houston, Thomson South- Western; 12th Edition.
Paper 4: Taxation
Text Books
1. Systematic Approach to Income-tax, Service Tax & VAT – Dr. Girish Ahuja & Dr. Ravi Gupta, Bharat Law House (Edition based on provisions applicable for A.Y.2012-13)
2. Students’ Guide to Income-tax, including Service Tax/ VAT – Dr. Vinod K. Singhania & Dr. Monica Singhania, Taxmann (Edition based on provisions applicable for A.Y.2012-13)
3. Students Handbook on Income-tax, VAT & Service Tax – T.N. Manoharan & G.R. Hari, Snow white Publications (Edition based on provisions applicable for A.Y.2012-13)
Reference Books
1. Income-tax Act, 1961
2. Service Tax Manual – R.K.Jain, Centax Publications P. Ltd.
Note: Students should follow the edition based on the provisions of law applicable for the assessment year relevant for their examination.
Group II
Paper 5: Advanced Accounting
Text Books
1. Advanced Accounting for CA- IPCC – Amitabha Mukherjee & Mohammed Hanif, Tata McGraw Hill; 1st Edition, 2009
2. Advanced Accounting (vol. I and II) – Dr.Ashok Sehgal & Dr.Deepak Sehgal, Taxmann; 6th Edition, 2008
3. Tulsian’s Accountancy for CA – IPCC and Quick Revision Book Gr-II – Dr. P.C. Tulsian, S. Chand, 5th Edition, 2012
Reference Books
1. Students’ Guide to Accounting Standards (CA IPCC / PCC / ATC) – D.S. Rawat, Taxmann; 18th Edition, 2012
2. First Lessons in Accounting Standards (IPCC / PCC / ATC) – M.P.Vijay Kumar, Snow White; 7th Edition, 2012
3. Simplified Approach to Accounting Standards (for CA IPCC)– CA. (Dr.) Sanjeev Singhal and Sandhya Singhal – Wolters Kluwer (India) Pvt. Ltd. 16th Edition 2012.
Paper 6: Auditing and Assurance
Text Book
Student’s Guide to Auditing and Assurance – Aruna Jha, Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd.; 2012 Edition
Reference Books
1. Student’s Guide to Auditing Standards – D.S. Rawat, Taxman Allied Services Pvt. Ltd.; 2012 Edition
2. Auditing and Assurance – Varsha Ainapure & Mukesh Ainapure, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.; 2009 Edition
Paper 7: Information Technology and Strategic Management
Section A: Information Technology
Text Books
1. Introduction to Computers – Peter Norton, Tata McGraw Hill; 7th edition.
2. Information Technology – Dennis P. Curtin, Kim Foley, Kunal Sen Cathleen Moring, Tata McGraw Hill; 6th Reprint 2000.
3. Fundamentals of Information Technology – Alexis and Mathews Leon, Vikas Publication House; 2nd Edition.
4. Introduction to Information Technology – V. Rajaraman, PHI Learning; 2008.
Reference Books
1. Database System Concepts – Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, McGraw-Hill; 6th Edition.
2. Database Management Systems – Raghu Ramkrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, McGraw Hill International; 3rd Edition
3. Data Communication and Networking – Behrouz Forouzan, Tata McGraw Hill; 4th Edition
4. Internet: The Complete Reference – Margaret Levine Young, Osborne/McGraw-Hill; 2nd edition, 13th reprint 2008
Section B: Strategic Management
Text Books
1. Strategic Management and Business Policy – Azhar Kazmi, Tata McGraw Hill; 3rd edition, Reprint 2011.
2. Strategic Planning and Management – P.K.Ghosh, Sultan chand & Sons, New Delhi; 12th Edition, Reprint 2011.
3. Strategic Management, Text and Cases – Ravi M. Kishore, Taxman Publications Pvt. Ltd; 2nd Edition, 2011.
Reference Books
1. Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases – Johnson Gary and Kevan Scholas, Pearson Education; 7th Edition, 2011.
2. Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy – Wheelen & Hunger, Pearson Education; 12th Edition, 2010.
3. Strategic Management – John A Pearce II and Richard b Robinson, Tata McGraw Hill; 10th Edition, Reprint 2011.
4. Strategic Management – Fred R. David, PHI; 12th Edition, 2009.
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ICAI Recommended books for IPCC ICAI Recommended books for IPCC Reviewed by Unknown on 10:10:00 AM Rating: 5

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